Tutorial ======== This tutorial aims to explain how to use TIE to create a simple, yet useful template language. This will cover the basics of tag definition and registration, as well as the creation of a few custom tags with specialized behaviour, and how to easily manage them. .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top Part I - Simple substitution tags ----------------------------------- The naive way's shortcomings ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The :ref:`exemple ` shown in the overview might demonstrate how simple using TIE can be, but defining tags in this way is a pretty bad idea. Indeed, consider what would happen if you used another template string: .. testsetup:: naive-several-tag-occurences from __future__ import print_function import tie tie.tag.register("name") .. doctest:: naive-several-tag-occurences >>> my_template = tie.Template("Hello, my name is name!") >>> my_template(name="raphi") 'Hello, my raphi is raphi!' .. testcleanup:: naive-several-tag-occurences tie.tag.get_manager().clear() Your `name` tag matched *all* occurences of the word "name" in your template, which is probably *not* what you wanted! And, let's face it, this was to be expected. `name` is an awfull tag pattern - In order for TIE to detect your placeholders more intelligently, they need to contain some specific tokens that will help differentiate them from regular words. In order to be more flexible, TIE requires you to include those tokens in your patterns yourself - But this also means that you should think carefully about them to avoid that kind of confusion. Let's decide that our tags should be surrounded by '%' characters to be detected. .. testsetup:: naive-tokens from __future__ import print_function import tie tie.tag.get_manager().clear() # Doesn't seem to be executed in previous test cleanup ??? .. doctest:: naive-tokens >>> tie.tag.register("%name%") # Register our new tag pattern >>> my_template = tie.Template("Hello, my name is %name%!") # Use it in our template >>> my_template(name="raphi") # Does it work ??? 'Hello, my name is !' Well shoot. Our tag apparently matched but it got replaced with a blank string instead of our custom data! This is because when you call your :class:`Template ` object to render it, it receives your arguments as a dictionnary (this is the normal python behaviour for keyword arguments). TIE's default behaviour is then to replace each detected tag with a matching value from this dictionnary. If it can't find it, it raises a warning and returns a blank string. .. warning:: The behaviour described above might change in future versions. This means that in our case, our ``name`` argument and our `%name%` tag don't match, which explains why the above code didn't work. But... `%name%` is not a valid python identifier, is it ? .. doctest:: naive-tokens >>> my_template(%name%="raphi") Traceback (most recent call last): ... my_template(%name%="raphi") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Nope, it isn't. So, we need to define special tokens to identify our template tags, but we can't use non-alphanumerical characters besides the underscore ? Well, this sucks. And I thought this library claimed to be "flexible" ? Don't worry. We just need to improve our tag just a little more. .. note:: Experienced Python users might be thinking of building the arguments dictionary themselves and sending it with the splat operator, like this: :: my_template(**{"%name%": "raphi"}) # **Don't do this!** This will work, but is ugly as hell. Experienced or not, Python users shouldn't have to write such ugly code. Regular expressions to the rescue ! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you've never heard of regular expressions, then things might start to get a bit hairy. I'll try to explain how the first few ones we'll use in this tutorial work, but you'll need to learn more about them to use TIE efficiently. I suggest reading this `howto `_ from the python's documentation to get started. Also, while you shouldn't need to use it directly, reading the standard library's :mod:`re` module's reference might help you as well. One of the neat things about regular expressions is that they allow you to capture specific parts, or "groups", of the matching string. If you define one such group in your pattern, TIE will try to match your context variables against it, instead of using the whole tag. The simplest way to define a group is simply to surround in with parenthesis. (You can also use another syntax to assign names to your groups. While this can come in handy, there's no real need to do so in our situation, so we'll settle for an anonymous group for the sake of readability.) Let's try this: .. testsetup:: simple-regex from __future__ import print_function import tie tie.tag.get_manager().clear() .. doctest:: simple-regex >>> tie.tag.register("%(name)%") >>> my_template = tie.Template("Hello, my name is %name%!") >>> my_template(name="raphi") 'Hello, my name is raphi!' Hurrah! This lib might not be so useless after all! While you can get more fancy, this is really all you have to understand to start using TIE. As long as you include appropriate tokens [#f1]_ in your patterns, and remember to define a group that can match the variables names you'll be using in your code, you're ready to start defining a simple template language using arbitrary tags. But, as far as regular expressions go, `%(name)%` is about as simple as it gets. If you've ever used regexes, then you know that they can be far more powerful (and far less readable ;)) than this. Let's see if we can tweak our tag further... .. note:: It's possible to use the :mod:`re` module's flags in your tags' regexes. To do so, you'll have to instanciate your :class:`Tag ` objects explicitely and pass them to the :func:`register ` function, instead of simply passing the regex string, like so: :: import re import tie tie.tag.register( tie.Tag("^my_awesome_regex$", flags=re.FOO | re.BAR) ) .. [#f1] What's an appropriate token? Well, it all depends on the context in which you plan to use your template tags. If generating html documents, surrounding your tags with angle brackets (`<>`) might not be the best idea... Just take some time to think about it and use some common sense. Typical patterns could look like the ones we're defining in this tutorial (`%my_tag%`), or like the ones used by the django and Jinja2 template engines (`{{ my_tag }}`). More generic tags +++++++++++++++++ So, now that we know how to define better template tags, let's register another one: .. doctest:: simple-regex >>> tie.tag.register( # Notice that you can pass an arbitrary number ... "%(name)%", # of patterns to register them all at once ... "%(age)%" ... ) >>> my_template = tie.Template("Hello, my name is %name% and I'm %age% years old!") >>> my_template(name="raphi", age=26) "Hello, my name is raphi and I'm 26 years old!" Yup, still works. And as a bonus, you might have noticed that we passed the ``age`` argument as an integer value, and not as a string. TIE is just smart enough to call the ``__str__`` method of the objects it's asked to process in order to display them. Keep that in mind if you plan on sending custom objects to your templates. We still have to register a new pattern for every tag we want to support. This is perfectly fine if you want to allow only a limited set of template tags - sometimes you need tight control over what can or can't go in your templates, and explicitely defining each tag in this way will help you manage what's going on. But still, wouldn't it be nice if we could let TIE match any arbitrary argument we might send it ? Get rid of the `%name%` and `%age%` tags and instead, have some kind of generic `%%` tag that would match whatever context argument happened to be referenced between those two percent signs ? Remember. While the ones we've used so far didn't look like much, our tag patterns are still regular expressions. Knowing this, and assuming you've read up a bit on those, the solution becomes trivial: .. testsetup:: generic-regex from __future__ import print_function import tie tie.tag.get_manager().clear() .. doctest:: generic-regex >>> tie.tag.register("%(\w+)%") >>> my_template = tie.Template("Hello, my name is %name% and I'm %age% years old!") >>> my_template(name="raphi", age=26) "Hello, my name is raphi and I'm 26 years old!" The ``\w`` special sequence will match any alphanumeric character (that is, any upper-or-lowercase letter, number, or underscore). The ``+`` indicates that the preceding pattern should appear at least once, and can be repeated several times. So in effect, this regular expression will match any single word not containing fancy characters and surrounded by percent signs. And since underscores are allowed, any valid variable name should match! Once again, if you need to get up to date about regular expressions, I recommend starting with the `guide `_ from the official Python documentation. Part II - Managing your templates ---------------------------------- While it's allright to define your template strings directly in your code for very simple use cases such as the ones we've covered so far, real world applications should enforce a better `separation of concerns `_ and store their templates in external files. Think `MVC `_: Your presentation layer (which most templating systems will be be a part of) should always be kept cleanly separated from the rest of your code. Also, we're dealing with very short and simple templates here. Real world applications will probably need much larger templates, and jugling with all those multiline strings in the middle of your code will surely prove annoying and difficult, which is another reason why you should just store them in external text files. While you can certainly manage these external files yourself, TIE provides some handy shortcuts to help you keep things nice and tidy. Let's have a look at those and start using some best-practices before diving in any further. Using external template files +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire up your favourite editor and start designing a simple template. I'll use a pretty minimal one, and save it as `test_template.txt`: :: Hello, world! My name is %name%, and I'm %age% years old! Yay! Now, back to your python code. You could use the python builtin :func:`open` function to read your new template file and pass its contents to the :class:`Template `'s constructor, but the class provides a handy factory method to handle this for you: .. testsetup:: external-template import os os.chdir('exemples') import tie tie.tag.get_manager().clear() tie.tag.register("%(\w+)%") .. doctest:: external-template >>> my_template = tie.Template.from_file("test_template.txt") >>> res = my_template(name="Eddie", age=21) >>> print(res) Hello, world! My name is Eddie, and I'm 21 years old! Yay! Just provide a valid path to your template and it will take care of instanciating itself from its contents, allowing you to avoid some clutter and focus on more important stuff. Register your templates to a manager ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Since template managers are a nice, but rather optional feature, they haven't been implemented yet. I do plan to add them soon, so check back in a while for them! Part III - Custom Tag behaviour ------------------------------- Coming soon!